A  very Special Blessing
         Just For You!

lg butterfly                         

come. daughter
take a deep, deep breath
and realize
that this moment
is the only moment


"Water Dance" by Montserrat

Breathe in Life.  Breathe in Love.
Breathe in the Sacred Breath of the WildGoddess
which Is Your Breath

She is Nearer to you than your very breathing

Feel Her.  Sense Her.  Listen as She Speaks.

my beloved daughter

i created you in MY Image

You are beautiful and most precious

I imbue you with my Grace this day

as we breathe Together as One

Know and accept this Truth
as the very Breath you Breathe

And as you place your hand over your Heart,
feel the Power of all Women who have come before you
beating the Sacred Drum of your Heartbeat within

They are with you now
supporting you, guiding you and loving you
in this moment

the only moment
that counts


Blessed be!

This is the Way of the WildGoddess
. .  trusting in the Power of Prayer to do the job!

Come, Be Blessed This Day   (You deserve It!)

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© 2001 WildGoddess Productions